Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Azure @ Enterprise - AAD App registration - Should I need it if "Admin consent required" is "No"

Security is hard. Especially every vendor says they follow the standard of oAuth and implement differently. Let us look at the Azure App registration's API permissions blade. 

<image permissions blade>

We can see there are 3 columns that may confuse us. One is the Type and 2 at last that denote whether the permission requires admin consent and the status column showing whether admin consent is granted or not.

Further, it reveals something very interesting. The 'User.Read' permission doesn't require admin consent but it's given. Why in the world someone needs to do like this?

Let us try to unmask the mystery or just read the docs.

Delegated permission v/s application permission types

It's very simple. The delegated permission is only for users and the application permission is for applications. To make it more simple, 'Delegated' means the users can delegate an application to do something on behalf of the user. Here the application is not acting as an application instead of as a user.

Application permissions is allowing applications to perform something as if it is done by the application. eg: scheduled tasks, queued tasks in general daemon apps

Column 'Admin consent required'

This means the developer or the publisher of the permission put a requirement that this permission is tenant-wide and important. So it requires Admin consent.  Let us consider 2 scenarios where admin consent is not required.

What if admin consent is not required and it's not given and used by the user app

When an application demands permission that doesn't require admin consent and is used by an interactive user application, there will be a consent form that pops up that asks the user to give consent

In short

The user has to give his consent even if the admin consent is not required.

What if admin consent is not required and it's not given and used by the daemon app

Here the app will fail because that application is not running under user context and there is no one to give consent.
Admin consent is always required for the daemon apps to work with application permissions.

This completes the answer to the title question. Yes we need admin consent for the daemon applications even if "Admin consent required" is "No" 

What if admin consent is not required but given and used by the user app

If the admin has given the consent, there is no need for the user to give consent again as its tenant wide permission. The consent popup will not be shown.

Special cases


This refers to Resource Owner Password Credentials flow where the application can act as a user by obtaining the user's credential (password). It can obtain the credential from its own configuration file when running as a daemon application or from the user when it's running as a user-facing UI application. 

When it is running as a daemon we normally create a service account and keep its credentials in the application configuration. In both cases, admin consent is required.
Whatever the case the ROPC is not recommended by MSFT

Restrict users from consenting

Even if a publisher application doesn't require admin consent the AAD tenant admin can override that to enforce admin consent for all permissions. This leaves users with no permission to give consent.






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