Thursday, August 20, 2020

JAMstack using Hugo - Part 01 Introduction


Following the post about "Static Site Generator a.k.a JAMstack for", started portion the AngularJS based site to 3 different leading JAMstack technologies. First I planned Gatsby. But after going in-depth, it feels to me like a regular React web application than a template-based static site generator. So decided to port to the second technology in the list which is Hugo. 

After starting Hugo by overcoming the big learning curve, I became a fan of Hugo. Especially it is fast processing. That leads me to a series of tutorials on Hugo about my web personal site conversion. It will not be a Hugo tutorial that covers all the aspects of Hugo, instead, the aim is to help people overcome the learning curve and focus is on its web site building capabilities than blogging or documentation building capabilities.


Most of the tutorials about Hugo are an hour long. The minimum I found is 20 mins. Everywhere including this post is talking about the big learning curve of Hugo. The hour-long tutorials second that opinion and people may think its not something for them to work on. If the size of the tutorial is 5 min, it may be more approachable to the masses through the learning curve is not changing.

So I am experimenting with 5 Mins Hugo. It is not the hard rule, I am expecting 5-8 mins for each video. Without further due below is the first video tutorial in the series.

Part 01 - Introducing the series
Part 02 - This is introduction to Hugo features, pros and cons

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