Tuesday, August 13, 2019

System.Diagnostics logging in .Net - Trace sources

As developers, we often need to work with network issues. The first step is to finding out there is a network issue such as delay or package loss. This can be found by looking at Wireshark. But Wireshark needs some expertise. Also, it needs installation and mostly a restart after installation. When working in production environments it would be difficult to restart. But the other side is we can analyze without any changes to the application as setting diagnostics source needs application config changes.
But if we just consider the expertise needed for Wireshark, a better way is to collect some svc logs using Diagnostics. If required go for Wireshark as the second step of the analysis.

Diagnostics sources related to Network

We are not going to create another list. Below are the links to already existing tutorials

General networking



Legacy ASMX

Other diagnostic sources

Since diagnostics source tracing is .Net feature, there are other diagnostics sources as well useful in different scenarios. Below are some collections.


Unfortunately, it seems there is no official link of the full list of trace sources.



  • Added legacy ASMX services

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