Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Azure DevOps formerly VSOnline load testing - The load test cannot be run since the number of URLs...

The Azure DevOps or old VS Online or Azure dev test labs is a nicer option to do load testing. They have hosted agents or we can bring our own agents. Agents means the distributed load generator machines.
Below is one error message we may encounter when we load test enormous applications.

The load test cannot be run since the number of URLs to be reported for run duration under '01:00:00' exceeds the maximum supported value of '1000'. Reduce the ‘Maximum Request URLs Reported’ property or increase the run duration and try again.

The best way to fix is to follow what the error message says.


Below is the URL to the error codes Azure DevOps / VS Online load test may produce. This is another way to tackle the issue.


If it didn't solve with above steps, try the old school techniques such as restarting Visual Studio instance which used to submit job to VSO, restart machine itself or resubmit multiple times.

It is really wired, but this is what it is.

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