Tuesday, September 4, 2018

PowerShell to get list of email addresses from company AD

Often we may need to send mail to everyone to the company as an announcement or requesting urgent help etc...Normally companies might have a group mail address to do such things. Even if there is none we can easily get the list of all emails

First to get the OU and DC details of your AD. If there are confusion on what is OU, DC refer the details here. Better search using your email id itself to get the OU and DC details.

Get-ADUSER -Filter 'EmailAddress -like "<your email address>"'

This will give the details in the DistinguishedName property. Now fill that information in below script and run.

$container = "OU=<your OU>,DC=<DC>,DC=<DC>"

get-ADUSER -Filter * -SearchBase $container | `
select -Property UserPrincipalName | `
Export-Csv -Path "<path>.csv"

This export the email addresses to the csv file mentioned. It is interesting to see that the UserPrincipalName has the email. If the email is kept separately, the code has to be modified to select proper attribute.

Happy Scripting...

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