Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Azure @ Enterprise - Connecting to Management API using Azure AD App certificate


When we develop large multi-tenant applications, we often face requirements to dynamically provision infrastructure resources, which we never need to do for simple applications. For example, assume the enterprise security practice or business requirement demand to isolate tenant's data into separate databases. Then we will have to dynamically create databases on the fly, when a tenant joins the application. This is drastically different than working on a simple application where only one database is storing everything. The maximum we have to deal with are the indexes and partitioning in database level and load balancing at front end level.

When we create or provision the resources from application, there will be so many security related questions to be answered. What if someone hack into the application and delete the databases? How to handle the noisy neighbor problem? The list is large.

To handle security, the on-premise solution is to have separate service accounts. Those have permission to create databases and isolate that service from web services exposed to clients machines. Expose that only internally either by authorization or by exposing via netNamedPipe binding in WCF.

Managing resources in Azure

Cloud computing is expected to solve all the infrastructure provisioning issues. Azure does that well. When enterprise meet Azure, all the security related things mentioned above gets reevaluated. In cloud it gets important otherwise an attack or poor code may create large number of highly priced resources which directly affect the financials. Or resources can be deleted which brings the entire system down. In on-premise systems there is very limited or no way an attack can delete a virtual machine. But in cloud its not.

How to secure a component which does infrastructure provisioning? This problem can be solved in Azure many ways. We can have a service which is secured using Azure AD and only be exposed inside enterprise's own virtual network(vNet) in Azure. But then the question comes how to secure the Azure AD? Azure AD supports different types authentications and enterprise like the MFA and certificate based auth. The latest in the series is Managed Service Identity.

MFA - Multi Factor Authentication helps secure something exposed to users who can look at the security token and enter the same in web page or device. But for service to service communication, a scheduled job or queued operation to service communication, MFA is not suitable. The certificates helps there.

Securing in the world of Microservices - Automation RunBook?

In a large enterprise, there could be so many applications which are multi-tenant and need infrastructure provisioning. Enterprise may have only one Azure subscription for all these. In such scenario giving the certificates which have the privilege to create Azure resources to all those apps will not be feasible or those apps cannot be run with that level of high privilege.

One solution in Azure is to use Azure Automation. Automation Runbook can run in high privilege and can create Azure resources. That can be exposed via Webhooks to the applications. Applications can invoke the Webhook with some kind of application identity or developer key in request header. Once the runbook starts it can check for the application key and do actions if allowed. Please note that Webhooks don't have security mechanism built in. URL has a secret token and whoever knows the URL can invoke. The runbook can check for header and validate.

Writing RunBooks is easy and there are lot of tutorials available how to get it right. 

But there is a problem remaining. Webhook return a JobId. How do the applications check status of the Job?


We will end up again in certificates, if we need to use the Azure Management API. But it is easy to do status reporting if the automation runbook accept a callback URL and invoke that on Job completion.

Webhook accepting another Webhook on completion may make things complicated but that is good solution without polling.

Unfortunately if we end up in polling, below are the code snippets which can be used to get the Automation Job status using .Net SDK. There are so many code snippets available in internet but very difficult to get working code which uses cert to auth into Azure Management API. 

Since the authentication APIs accept strings and the names are confusing, its gets complicated easily.

Code snippets

Below is the entry point which accepts the necessary inputs to locate an Azure Automation Job

private static async Task<JobGetResponse> GetJobResponse( string subscriptionGuid,string resourceGroupName, string AutomationAccount, string JobId)
            AutomationManagementClient client = await AutomationManagementClientFactory.Get(subscriptionGuid);
            return client.Jobs.Get(resourceGroupName, AutomationAccount, Guid.Parse(JobId));

The return ed JobGetResponse has Job property which exposes most of the properties of Job.
In order to get the code working, we need a valid AutomationManagementClient. How to properly give the string values into the flow is the trickiest part. .

internal class AutomationManagementClientFactory
    internal static async Task<AutomationManagementClient> Get(string subscriptionGuid)
        string token = await TokenFactory.GetAccessToken("https://management.core.windows.net/");
        TokenCloudCredentials tcc = new TokenCloudCredentials(subscriptionGuid,token);
        return new AutomationManagementClient(tcc);

This depend on the TokenFactory. But before going there the catch here is on the hard coded URL. The URL is to the management end point. Lets see the TokenFactory class

internal class TokenFactory
    /// <summary>
    /// Get Access Token
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="resource"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    internal static async Task<string> GetAccessToken(string resource)
        var context = new AuthenticationContext($"https://login.windows.net/{Configurations.TenantId}", TokenCache.DefaultShared);
        var assertionCert = GetClientAssertionCertificate(Configurations.AzureADApplicationId);
        var result = await context.AcquireTokenAsync(resource,assertionCert );
        return result.AccessToken;
    internal static IClientAssertionCertificate GetClientAssertionCertificate(string clientId)
        string certIssuerName = Configurations.GetConfigValueByKey("CertificateIssuerName");
        X509Certificate2 clientAssertionCertPfx = CertificateHelper.FindCertificateByIssuerName(certIssuerName);
        return new ClientAssertionCertificate(clientId, clientAssertionCertPfx);

The responsibility of the class is to get authentication token towards a resource and the resource here is the Azure Management end point. The authentication context using the Azure AD tenant Guid to get token. The TenantId is not the Azure AD Application id. 

It uses certificate which is found using the issuer name. The criteria to find certificate can be anything but the rule here is that the certificate should be same as the certificate used for Azure AD Application. The Azure Application's id is obtained from the config. It has to be Application Id not the object id of Azure AD App.

The signature may confuse us. The client assertion certificate uses application id, but the parameter name is client id to make it generic.

The last thing is the certificate helper. As mentioned above, how we get the cert is not relevant as long as its the right certificate. Adding the code for that as well.

public static class CertificateHelper
    /// <summary>
    /// Find Certificate By Issuer name
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="findValue"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static X509Certificate2 FindCertificateByIssuerName(string findValue)
        using (X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser))
            X509Certificate2Collection col = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByIssuerName,
                findValue, false); // Don't validate certs, since the test root isn't installed.

            return col.Count == 0 ? throw new CryptographicException($"Certifcate not found") : col[0];


Prerequisites / Environment setup

  • Azure AD Application which has permission to resource group where the automation account reside.
  • The above Azure AD application to accept certificate to get token back. So install the certificate to the proper store. In this case it search in Current User's personal store. If this code runs from IIS web application using service accounts, the store can be different.

Why the code snippet is important?

When we get the snippet working and look at the code we feel its simple. But when we get a situation when this doesn't work, we cannot understand anything such as what is client id, what is resource id etc...

The hard coded strings are applicable in public Azure cloud. When the code runs in Azure Government or other tenants the values will differ.


Below are some exceptions which may occur during the development

Access token from wrong audience

The below exception may occur if the token is obtained from TokenFactory is not associated with the right resource. 

"The access token has been obtained from wrong audience or resource ’https://management.core.windows.net'. It should exactly match (including forward slash) with one of the allowed audiences ‘https://management.core.windows.net/’,’https://management.azure.com/’"


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