Monday, April 15, 2013

Where is vjslib.dll located?

Recently I had to prepare for a session related to "Programming for non programmers". I thought of starting with what is computer and programming using some day to day examples. But there is no meaning in talking 1 hour about programming to such an audience who comes from non programming background. To obey the famous "A picture is worth a thousand words" saying, I thought of giving a demo of programming to the audience. But it was tougher than showing a demo in a session about Node.JS or DSL because in normal technical sessions we can show demo using the corresponding language and the related tool. Here which language I should choose? In what tool I can select? Will the surroundings of Visual Studio take the attention of these people from the code window? 

Karel the Robot learns programming

These questions lead me to the famous Karel programming language. The first time, I came to know about Karel the Robot is in the programming paper CS106a of Stanford university syllabus. Don't think that, I studied in Stanford but attended their free online programming course via iTunesU iPad application. But most of the Karel runtime environments are available in Java and Java is not setup in our machines. Googled for online simulators but failed. So decided to go with one .net implementation found in the below site.

Location of vjslib.dll

I downloaded the project but it failed during build. The reasons was simple. Its based on Visual J# which was included in earlier days of .Net and slowly removed from Visual Studio suite. It needs a dll named vjslib.dll. I searched for all the folders in my machine related to .Net 2.0 but cannot find. 

Finally google gave me the location of the Microsoft Visual J# Version 2.0 Redistributable Package which contains the vjslib.dll file. Installed it and things started working.Below the location where we can find the vjslib.dll file


Location of Microsoft Visual J# Version 2.0 Redistributable Package

I don't think this post will be useful if you are developing a new project. But useful, if you had to maintain or work on legacy code base or ended up in a sample which is created using VJ# assemblies.


Taryn said...

Thank you :)

Blogger said...

Did you know that you can shorten your urls with LinkShrink and make $$$ from every visitor to your shortened urls.

Unknown said...

Thanks man, this actually helped me get some legacy code working!