Tuesday, April 11, 2017

JavaScript Access inner objects with string expression

JavaScript is becoming more and more importance for developers. Even it can be used as DSL with the help of embedded V8 runtime engine. Below is one scenario which may occur when using JavaScript as DSL

The DSL is another program fragment, which our program has to execute.
Suppose there is an JavaScript object structure as follows

var complexObject = {
 prop0:"prop0 value",
  prop1: {
    prop1prop1: {
     prop1prop2prop3: "prop1prop2prop3 value"
    prop1prop2:"prop1prop2 Value"
   {prop2prop1:"prop2[prop2prop1] value"},
   {prop2prop2:"prop2[prop2prop2] value"}

Lets see how this can be accessed.

Normal JavaScript property access

Now lets see how can we access the values using normal property dot(.) notation

var testInnerObjectProperty = function() {

This works perfect.

Access JavaScript property using string property path

But in DSL the path to the value will be available as string. So how to access the value using string property path?

var testInnerObjectPropertyWithIndexer  = function(){

We can see the first alert returns propert value as its direct string path access. But the next 2 will not work as JavaScript runtime is not able to find a property names "prop1.prop1prop2" on complexObject. In other words it doesn't have the intelligence to understand the hierarchy. May be its by design.
Lets see another way to access using string string.

Access property using string path via Evil Eval()

This is the easiest method pops up into a medium JavaScript programmers mind though he know its not the good way.

var testInnerObjectPropertyWithIndexerEval = function() {

Since it works but not the good way what is next.

Access property using string path via parsing

This is the hard way. We must test is property for all combinations. Lets see one implementation.

var testInnerObjectPropertyByParsingPath = function() {
 alert('Going to parse prop path');

Above is the API interface expected. Below goes the implementation of getValue()

Object.getValue = function(obj, path) {
    path = path.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1'); // convert [] access to property access with number
    path = path.replace(/^\./, '');           // trim leading dot
    var props = path.split('.');
    for (var propIndex = 0, noOfProps = props.length; propIndex < noOfProps; ++propIndex) {
        var propName = props[propIndex];
        if (propName in obj) {
            obj = obj[propName];
        } else {
    return obj;

This can be written using recursion too. It replace the array access [] with property access by replacing corresponding number there. Then loops into the object hierarchy till it finds required object.

Please note this is not the battle tested code. This is rather to give the idea.

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