Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Useful links to HTML5

I don't think you have any doubt about HTML 5 as future technology. Below are some links which I think useful for HTML5 learners.
Browser compatibility
Now the HTML5 is in evolving phase so we cannot expect every browser to render the tags properly.Sometimes the browser may not have the support for that tag. Below are some links to deal with that
HTML5 slide show technologies
HTML 5 is really good to create stunning presentations like Microsoft Powerpoint. I can strongly say that at some point in future the HTML5 will replace the Microsoft Powerpoint. Hope the next version of Power point itself will have "Save As HTML 5 slide show" menu option :-)

The main advantage is we can host the html page in web and share easily without a need for extra application.ie simply web based slide show

 Hope I can add more...

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